Thursday, June 19, 2014

Scratch Final Project Reflection
I started my final project by brainstorming fun games in my head. I came up with the idea of a frog eating mice. I encountered various problems on my way, however, I used the "guess-and-check" method to solve the problems. I tested my game by replaying the animation every time that I added something new. I did this to ensure a flawless final project.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Purpose of Final Scratch Project Game

I have brainstormed many ideas for my games. However, I plan to include a frog and a few mice in my game. The goal of the game is to eat as many mice as possible. As the levels get harder, you need to eat more mice in order to pass the next level.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Week 3 try-it Reflection

Try-it #1 (Bigger-Smaller)
Try-it #9 (Mouse-pointer)
Try-it #5 (Sprites collide)
I enjoyed the try-its that we did in class. They were very fun to solve, because they were all like their own individual puzzle. I used the "Guess-and-Check" strategy while solving these try-its. All of the try-its helped me to get creative and brainstorm possible game ideas.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Week 2 De-Bug It Reflection

Debug 1
Debug 2
Debug 3
Debug 4
Debug 5
The week 2 Debug activity was very interesting. I learned a lot more about Scratch after completing the activity. The main strategy that I used was the "Guess-and-Check" method. I would advise everyone else to use this strategy because it is the most efficient way to solve these scratch problems.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Scenes Reflection (Backdrop Switch)
I remixed my conversations scratch and switched the backdrop. The sprite and the backdrop can both move, but the backdrop obviously can not say anything. You initialize sprites in a scene by clicking on them. A movie would use scene changes. I looked at other classmates' work, and they all were great.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Penguin remix Reflection
I enjoyed remixing the Penguin joke using the broadcast block. The broadcast block is very convenient to use because it helps to make conversations on scratch flow smoother. Broadcast is essential when creating a conversation between two or more sprites.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Make-a-block Reflection
I enjoyed the make-a-block activity on scratch. It was really cool seeing two sprites do different actions and interact with one another. It would be very useful for bigger scratch assignments because it would save you a lot of work. In order to make a block, you put together a bunch of commands, and then you click "make-a-block". Finally, you name the block.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Debug It! Reflection

The Debugging activity was a great experience. I learned so much about scratch by completing the activity. A Debugging strategy I used was the "Guess and Check" method. If I had to teach someone who knew nothing about the program, I would ease them into it. I would start by doing the first one. We would then work together on the second one. However, I would let the person try and solve the third one on their own.

Debug It! 5
We put the meows and the speech in the repeat box. The sound should go above the words.

Debug It! 4
We added a block that set the rotation from left to right.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

10 block challenge reflection
I enjoyed the 10 block challenge. Before I had been introduced to scratch the other day, I knew nothing about the program. However, this challenge helped me to learn about the program. Overall, the activity was a fun experience.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Scratch Reflection

1.) I found it very surprising how direction-oriented this activity was. I was unable to unleash my creative and independent side. 2.) I did not enjoy being led step-by-step through the activity. I did, however, enjoy the content of the activity, just not the way it was presented. 3.) -I generally do not like having more structure than is necessary in an activity. -I like having more freedom during activities because it allows me to work at my own pace. -I feel most creative on activities that are open-ended and allow students to personalize them.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My Webpage

Chris' Website

Reading Track


The Reading Track team is an authentic varsity program that has historically challenged people to prove otherwise.


There are many athletes that participate in the program. Most notedly Jack Ciccariello, a standout 800m runner, and Adam Lelacheur, a standout 400m specialist.


Many believe that Eric Webb, a sprinting sensation, will be captain when he is a senior. Others believe that Chris Leclaire, a midde-distance prodigy, could take a captain position as well.

Reading Track and Field Statistics Reading Track and Field Schedule Smiley face Smiley face Smiley face
Join the Track team!

The team is waitng for you!

Friday, May 9, 2014


<b>All About Me</b>

About Me

Hi! My name is Chris Higgins. I attend RMHS!

My Classes

I enjoy learning at RMHS. My favorite class is Computer Apps. I am very interested in all this course has to offer.

Computer Apps

We learn a lot of useful tips that I will be able to use in the future. Mrs. Conner is a great teacher who helps every student learn each day

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


A Short HTML Document About Me

About Me

Hi! My name is Chris Higgins. I attend RMHS

My Background

I run cross country and track at RMHS

My Favorite Comp. Apps Buddies

1.)Jack Ciccariello 2.)Adam Lelacheur

Chris Higgins
Reading Memorial High School


A Short HTML Document About Me

About Me

Hi! My name is Chris Higgins! I am a sophomore at RMHS!

RMHS is a very prestigious public school located about 12 miles north of Boston.